Discovery Learning Grade 5

Grade 5


Term 1 - Active Adaptations in Our Evolving Environment


During this unit students will develop their understandings of


  • What are adaptations?
  • How do living things (plants and animals) enhance their survival with behavioural, physiological and/or structural adaptations?
  • How are the growth and survival of living things affected by the conditions of their environment
  • How have Australian environments been affected by natural or man-made events or decisions?
  • How do people and environments influence one another?


Equipped with this knowledge, students will be able to analyse how structural and behavioural adaptations of living things enhance their survival, and predict and describe the effect of environmental changes on individual living things and impacts that are made.



Term 2 - Shaping Our Nation


During this unit students will develop their understandings of


  • The founding of British colonies in the 1800s and the development of Australia as a nation, particularly before Federation.
  • What life was like for different groups of people in the colonial period.
  • The history of the discovery of gold and the subsequent gold rush in Victoria in the 1850s
  • The roles of significant individuals or groups who helped shaped the colonies and the reasons that gave rise to migration and exploration of Australia.
  • The occurrence and cause of significant events that shaped the Australian colonies and the effects of these on others.
  • The way of life of people who migrated to Australia and their contributions to Australia’s economic and social development.
  • A timeline showing key stages in the development of colonial Australia



Students will be able to sequence historical events and represent them on a timeline. They will be able to locate and compare historical information about Australia during the 1800s and recognise different points of view. They will investigate the significant role of events and people that helped to shape Australia as a nation




Term 3 - Why Earth? Earth and Beyond


During this unit students will develop their understandings of


  • What are the characteristics of the planets, moons and other celestial bodies that make up the solar system?
  • How Earth is different to the other planets?
  • How has technology and exploration increased our knowledge of the solar system?
  • Why do we explore space?
  • Will humans ever live in space?
  • What technology is used to monitor and explore space?
  • What are the benefits/spin-offs of space exploration?




Students will also pose hypothesis and test scientific experiments in regards to solids, liquids, gases (Chemical Science) and the observable properties of light. (Physical Science).

Scientists can learn a lot about planet Earth, our solar system and beyond through space exploration and scientific research which have brought technological advances to the human race.

Historically, space has always held a fascination for us and we look from the past to the future to determine our place in space.




Term 4 - Our World Our Future


During this unit students will develop their understandings of


  • How places, people and cultures differ across the world?
  • The interconnections between people, places and environments.
  • The location of the major countries of Europe and North America, in relation to Australia and the comparisons of the demographic, economic, social and cultural characteristics of at least two countries.
  • What is the difference between needs and wants?
  • What are the differences between capital, natural and human resources?
  • How people with shared beliefs and values work together to achieve their goals and plans for action.
  • The impacts of bushfires or floods on environments and communities, and how people can respond.


Students will be able to identify and describe locations including the major countries of Australia, North America and Europe. They will research and compare information related to chosen countries and use digital and spatial technologies to represent and interpret data and information as well as using geographical terminology. Students distinguish between needs and wants and recognise that choices need to be made when allocating resources and can be influenced by a range of factors.