Grade 5
Term 1 - Active Adaptations in Our Evolving Environment
During this unit students will develop their understandings of
Equipped with this knowledge, students will be able to analyse how structural and behavioural adaptations of living things enhance their survival, and predict and describe the effect of environmental changes on individual living things and impacts that are made.
Term 2 - Shaping Our Nation
Students will be able to sequence historical events and represent them on a timeline. They will be able to locate and compare historical information about Australia during the 1800s and recognise different points of view. They will investigate the significant role of events and people that helped to shape Australia as a nation
Term 3 - Why Earth? Earth and Beyond
Students will also pose hypothesis and test scientific experiments in regards to solids, liquids, gases (Chemical Science) and the observable properties of light. (Physical Science).
Scientists can learn a lot about planet Earth, our solar system and beyond through space exploration and scientific research which have brought technological advances to the human race.
Historically, space has always held a fascination for us and we look from the past to the future to determine our place in space.
Term 4 - Our World Our Future
Students will be able to identify and describe locations including the major countries of Australia, North America and Europe. They will research and compare information related to chosen countries and use digital and spatial technologies to represent and interpret data and information as well as using geographical terminology. Students distinguish between needs and wants and recognise that choices need to be made when allocating resources and can be influenced by a range of factors.